Open channel for BIP

Dillonwoolhouse Posts: 2 Lüm Member

Dose any one know why my phone would constantly be popping up a windo that says " open channel for BIP" this is on a Samsung A50.


  • Lüm-Mobile
    Lüm-Mobile Posts: 384 Lüm Admin

    Hey Dillon,

    Did some research online and I think the best forum answer is probably:

    Some people stated it happened after changing providers or transferring to a new phone, but it usually went away.

    Is it stopping you from using any of the phone's features?

  • Dillonwoolhouse
    Dillonwoolhouse Posts: 2 Lüm Member

    It doesn't stop me from using any functions. It just blocks the bottom of the screen and I can see anything underneath.

  • Jenny
    Jenny Posts: 1 Lüm Member

    Just changed to lum also and this message appears. Very annoying