Long distance calls?

Mackenzie Posts: 1 Lüm Member

I have the talk and text plan and am wondering what the conditions of long distance calling is. I want to make a phone call but want to make sure I’m not charged anything.


  • H-Man
    H-Man Posts: 353 Lüm Super User

    Call any number in Canada, US, or Mexico. No charge as long as you are INSIDE Canada.

  • L
    L Posts: 1 Lüm Member

    i am inside Canada and only calling a few hours away in Sk and I keep getting the "you are calling a long distance #, charges apply" but i havnt seen anything extra charged to me? can anybody help with this

  • H-Man
    H-Man Posts: 353 Lüm Super User

    Yes because the number you're calling is not local to your location. I.e. where you are calling from.

    So anytime you call a number that is not in your local calling area, you'll hear this message. To avoid this, just dial +1 or just 1 before dialing the number.

    Long distance calls are included in your plan so there'll be no charge for making any calls to a number in Can/US or Mexico.