5MB of data being deducted at exactly 12:00:01 AM every day

TechDuchess Posts: 6 Lüm Member
edited February 7 in Community Help

I was looking for my usage history and discovered a disturbing pattern. Everyday at exactly 12:00:01AM, there is 5MB of data deducted from my account. The vast majority of the time, I am at home, connected to my wifi and asleep at this time. There is no daily use deduction disclosed anywhere on the website. There is no way that this reflects my actual usage.

I reached out to support and received a canned response that data is always billed in 5MB and did not in any way address my specific concern.

I have relevant professional knowledge in both programming and with telecommunications billing. Based on that knowledge and the clear pattern, I believe that their system is automatically ending data sessions at midnight and rounding up to the nearest billable unit. If so I think that we all deserve an accounting of the actual data we have used and a refund to our accounts for the extra data billed in error.