
JR Posts: 3 Lüm Member

so I am trying to activate, however cannot get past step 3 next is greyed out started a ticket but no responce


  • Lüm-Mobile
    Lüm-Mobile Posts: 384 Lüm Admin

    Hi there,

    We responded right after you submitted the ticket. Please take another look and respond within the ticket.

    FYI:  The Next box being grayed out would mean that not all the boxes are filled in. Can you please double check that everything is filled out?

  • JR
    JR Posts: 3 Lüm Member
    edited January 2023

    all the boxes are filled in i have a PO box number and nothing else for an address

  • Lüm-Mobile
    Lüm-Mobile Posts: 384 Lüm Admin

    For PO's, enter just "PO Box" in the first field, then enter the po box number in the second field.

    Here's an example:

  • JR
    JR Posts: 3 Lüm Member

    thanks tried to port my number from Sasktel 20 hr ago, still have not received a text, the app closed the page that was supposed to stay open, should i try again. i sure hope lum works well, have been working on this for a couple days.

  • Lüm-Mobile
    Lüm-Mobile Posts: 384 Lüm Admin

    Yes if it lets you try again, please do that. It should give you the option to create a ticket which will tell us what the error was and if your old provider rejected the request.