Travelling to US with Google pixel phone?

JeffK Posts: 8 Lüm Member
edited February 2024 in Community Help

Has anyone been down to the US lately and tried using a Google pixel phone ? Any luck making phone calls, I've been told it won't work still, just curious if anyone can confirm this?


  • H-Man
    H-Man Posts: 355 Lüm Member

    I have a Google pixel 6 pro. It didn't work. I was able to send texts and use the data still. So you can still use apps like Whatsapp etc.

  • rudeboy
    rudeboy Posts: 3 Lüm Member

    You need a VoLTE enabled phone to make calls in the US via Lum/AT&T. The Pixel 6 pro and Pixel 7 pro are both capable of using VoLTE, it's just that Lum hasn't bothered to provision any Pixel devices yet for VoLTE. There's a device compatibility list buried in their website that hasn't been updated since March.

  • H-Man
    H-Man Posts: 355 Lüm Member

    At&t is extremely stringent with their requirements. A Canadian purchased Pixel 6 pro will not work in the United States. Even if you buy an AT&T SIM card from there. I ran into that issue personally. They actually won't even allow you to use data or texts.

  • rudeboy
    rudeboy Posts: 3 Lüm Member

    "Lum hasn't bothered to provision any Pixel devices yet for VoLTE. "

    To clarify what I said above, Lum is unable to provision any Pixel device for VoLTE until Google approves their request to do so (which Google has yet to do). Hopefully that happens soon.