Phone not recommended

chrisaub Posts: 3 Lüm Member
edited February 2024 in Community Help

Hello, I just bought the maxwest neo flip to use for lum and cancel my sasktel plan.

The IMEI says the neo flip is not recommended to be used with lum. Will it still work? Why is it not recommended? Is it because its a dumbphone with no app access? I dont mind using the computer to add data or do that stuff. it is VoLTE compatible.



  • H-Man
    H-Man Posts: 353 Lüm Super User

    If it was working for you on SaskTel it should work with Lüm as well. But all the features like VoLTE and VoWiFI may not work.

  • chrisaub
    chrisaub Posts: 3 Lüm Member

    I have yet to use it on sasktel. But theres no reason it wouldn't work on sasktel. Its brand new, I'm just worried that because its a dumbphone maybe it says not recommended because it wont support the lum app?

  • Lüm-Mobile
    Lüm-Mobile Posts: 384 Lüm Admin

    Hey there, we have a manual way to check your phone compatibility. Depending on the band it uses, it will either work in urban and rural, urban and some rule, urban only, or not at all.

    If it worked with SaskTel your coverage would be the exact same.

    Check out this article →

    You can also create a ticket from your account and provide the IMEI and we can look for you.

    Hope this helps! Thanks for your interest in Lüm.