
maxwell smart
maxwell smart Posts: 1 Lüm Member

Good day.

I searched for an answer but wasn't quite sure whether I have it correct or not.

Basically, my questions are:

  1. When travelling with wife and in family the U.S.A., are we able to call each other ? or just text ?

2. Does 911 work on my phone when in the states ?

This is very important to me as I have health



  • H-Man
    H-Man Posts: 349 Lüm Super User

    You need to purchase US or Mexico Data to be able to call and text when roaming in those countries. If you have purchased the data then you can make calls and texts to any number in Can/US/Mex.

    Typically, if you have a compatible phone that supports VoLTE should be able to roam on major networks in the US and wherever service permits, 911 should also work.