When can Lum customers expect to be able to use WIFI calling?

Lost on line
Lost on line Posts: 5 Lüm Member
edited February 2024 in Community Help

When can Lum customers expect to be able to use wifi calling?

Best Answer


  • H-Man
    H-Man Posts: 355 Lüm Member

    Seems unlikely anytime soon. As VoLTE isn't fully available/deployed yet. It's essential for WiFi calling hand-off to VoLTE voice.

    Secondly, SaskTel currently only supports wifi calling and VoLTE on select iOS devices.

    TORBS Posts: 3 Lüm Member

    Any official statement on this feature? Im in a poor service area and missing calls and texts.

  • Antony
    Antony Posts: 2 Lüm Member

    I'm in the same boat as TORBS. I live at the limit of 3 towers, one south, one west and one north-east of us. With Lum so far, I seem to connect more (90%+) on the south tower which is good. As for WiFi calling, after experiencing it with SaskTel, it is a great feature. At my location, I have one bar of LTE strenght. Which means that when I call, it tries establishing the call on LTE, fails as nothing happens on 1 bar (forgot the dBm but it's low). So the phone connects on 3G.

    So transfering call to VoLTE, it doesn't matter at all to me as the call will drop anyway if I walk out of WiFi, as it is what was happening with SaskTel. As if your are in good LTE zone with WiFi, the phone prioritize LTE over WiFi calling so once again, transfering the call isn't essential as the call will be established on VoLTE.

    Why not make the option available as beta with disclaimer, and see what happens? Or does Lum simply doesn't have the PBX connection module (forgot the real name) to accomplish the task?

  • Lüm-Mobile
    Lüm-Mobile Posts: 384 Lüm Admin

    Hi there,

    We are working on this in our staging environment but it isn't ready to be moved into production state yet. We are hoping it happens soon but don't have an exact date.

    TORBS Posts: 3 Lüm Member

    Any update? I would like to reep the refferal rewards but cant morally do so until wifi calling works. Bell and Telus work fine here in sask. Why is lum/sasktel so far behind?

  • Lüm-Mobile
    Lüm-Mobile Posts: 384 Lüm Admin
    edited November 2023

    Hey @TORBS and @Antony , Wi-Fi calling went live on Oct 26th, 2023 for iPhones. Check out the article for some more information. Thank you for considering referring us to people you know. We appreciate you.


    Lüm Support

  • Need info
    Need info Posts: 1 Lüm Member

    Thank you for making this service available! It is appreciated.