Will not accept my address

Ry G.
Ry G. Posts: 5 Lüm Member

I'm trying to activate my SIM but it won't accept my address. It is just a street address, The same as my current provider has on file. I've followed the prompts on the form but the "NEXT" does not come on. I had similar issues when I signed up. How do I deal with this?


  • H-Man
    H-Man Posts: 355 Lüm Member

    Hi ensure there aren't any extra spaces leading or trailing in any field. Also check how your address appears on Canada Post's website.

  • EricN
    EricN Posts: 12 Lüm Member

    This was another hassle for me. Canada Post does not list all the apartments in my bldg. I figured out a workaround to set up my account, but then had to remember what the heck it was during the activation process.

  • Greenblooded
    Greenblooded Posts: 1 Lüm Member

    Hi all. Time for me to chime in with similar trouble.

    I'm new to Lum today and trying to activate my SIM (Steps #3 - 6 of the "Choose Phone Number" page), but I cannot gain access to the "Next" button. It remains greyed out, no matter what I do. I've checked the info to be sure that it's all correct, matches the mailing address that my current provider has, and there are no spaces where there shouldn't be, etc. I also live in a rural locale with a PO Box number as my mailing address, so I've followed Lum's directions on how to handle entering that info, but none of this works to make the "Next" button active for me.

    Canada Post also didn't list my address in the drop-down menu (though CP correctly indicated that there are 700+ addresses for my town--the drop-down only gave about 150 consecutive addresses to choose from), so I followed Lum's directions and just picked Box 1 for my postal code, and then I changed it to my proper box number after my account was created.

    How the heck do I progress any further?
