The pricing calculator has a mistake.

ryan29 Posts: 3 Lüm Member
edited February 7 in Community Help

The part that says how often you need to buy more data is calculating text messages at 10x what it should be. For example, select 0 for data usage, any membership, subtract calls and text from data, 0 minutes of calling, 100 text messages per day, and 2GB of data.

Text messages should cost 10MB of data (100/10 = 10) per day. 2GB (2000MB) of data should last 200 days (2000/10 = 200), but the calculator says:

"Based on your usage, you'll need to buy more data after 20 days."

That should be 200 days, shouldn't it?


  • H-Man
    H-Man Posts: 306 Lüm Super User

    Yes, you are right. It doesn't add up. Probably a zero missing somewhere.

    @Lüm Mobile the day calculator doesn't seem to be working as intended.

  • Lüm Mobile
    Lüm Mobile Posts: 369 Lüm Admin

    Thanks for the heads up! I'll send a note to my programmers and get it fixed.

  • Lüm Mobile
    Lüm Mobile Posts: 369 Lüm Admin

    This will be fixed in our maintenance window tomorrow morning!