support moving from another carrier

CLB Posts: 2 Lüm Member

When trying to move my number I used the wrong IMEI (oops new phone) so the old carrier would not move it. Currently the app is stuck at the 'waiting for approval' screen and won't allow me to go back and try again.

I opened a ticket with support and was told what the problem was. I responded that I was stuck (I suggested that they delete my account, I would reinstall and try again or ?

Anyway that was almost 48 hours ago and I've heard nothing. No response at all. Is that a normal time frame for Lum support.


  • H-Man
    H-Man Posts: 355 Lüm Member

    This should answer all your questions hopefully. Don't use IMEI for porting. Always use account number.

  • CLB
    CLB Posts: 2 Lüm Member

    This did not answer the question. The problem is the app is stuck and I can not redo the porting request and LUM has provided no help to the problem in 5 days.

    There appears to be no way to contact them other than through a trouble ticket. I have submitted 2 and had no response in 5 days on the first one and 3 days on the second one.

  • H-Man
    H-Man Posts: 355 Lüm Member

    @Lum_Mobile please assist.

  • Lüm-Mobile
    Lüm-Mobile Posts: 384 Lüm Admin

    Hello CLB, please accept my sincere apology for not actioning this ticket sooner.

    This is not how we normally resolve problems.

    I have replied to your original trouble ticket and will work to resolve this issue promptly.

    Lum Support