How do I get support on this site that actually helps me?

ShadowKie Posts: 2 Lüm Member

I have been trying too port my number away from lum mobile since Tuesday/Yesterday(it feels like its been forever) Basically lum support is telling me too use my 5 digit account number, and each time I have talked with Public support's team the error they are getting is that the account number is wrong, they said they need a 8/9 digit account number, lum mobile support just keeps telling me too, tell public support that its a 5 digit number, its getting annoying, all I want is my number and too port it from lum, I used too like lum alot, now with the new membership change and this problem with porting, I won't be coming back, its way too much too deal with. I'v ported away from lum once before and had issues then as well, they gave me a different account number or something, I forget exactly as this was last year, than the account number on my profile page and it worked the last time, I don't get why they can't do it now.

I am wondering, if posting this in the public where actual users can see, might actually get lum too do something, other than telling me too use the same account number that is not working or if this will just get deleted by lum mobile

TLDR. Lum used too be good, and support used too be great, now neither of them are true, at least in my experience in the past day or two



  • H-Man
    H-Man Posts: 349 Lüm Super User


    Please continue to remain in touch with Lum support and the other carrier's support. That's the only way your issue will get resolved.

    Good luck!

  • Lüm Mobile
    Lüm Mobile Posts: 9 Lüm Admin

    Hello @ShadowKie,

    We understand the frustration that arises when receiving conflicting information from two providers. This can indeed be a challenging situation. There are some common errors that occur during the porting process with all providers. These issues include:

    Incorrect Account Number: When transferring out of Lüm, please use only your 5-digit account number visible at the top left corner of myLüm. Your 5-digit account number has been successfully used recently with Public Mobile in your specific case. If Public Mobile advises this does not work, you need to escalate the matter with them, as it is beyond our control and may indicate a system limitation or an inexperienced employee requiring a workaround.

    Customer Did Not Respond: A text message is sent to approve the port by replying 'YES'. We identified an issue where the 'YES' response was not being received for some customers in recent attempts, and we have fixed that. Customers can also add a temporary bypass to their account if they do not have access to their phone or were affected by this issue.

    Incorrect IMEI: Some providers, like us, are Bring Your Own Device providers and may not store this information. For this reason, we always suggest using the account number.

    Inactive Phone Number: Ensure your number is active to port in/out.

    Port Protection: This may be due to having a linked account.

    For more information on port ins/outs, please refer to the following resources:

    Transferring Your Number to Another Provider - Member Forum

    Troubleshooting Transfer Your Number to Lüm Failure Reasons - Member Forum

    We hope that Public Mobile resolves this account number issue for you. Thank you for your support in the past, and we apologize that your recent experience with us was not ideal. We will continue to do what we can to help and work with you through your Support Request.

    Thank you,

    The Lüm Team

  • ShadowKie
    ShadowKie Posts: 2 Lüm Member

    Thanks for all the help, Lum support, I am sorry for being rude, Just stuff irl and this taking twoish weeks sent me a little over the edge, yall have been nothing but great, and do not deserve too be treating rudely, My number has finally been ported, again thanks for everything yall have done, and thanks for the great service up too now, if yall ever bring back the old plans ill likely come back, but till than cya.

  • RReza
    RReza Posts: 2 Lüm Member

    Trying to port out of Lum to Koodo. Same issue is going on for the last 12 days. Koodo is getting info that the number is inactive, actually, which is not true. I am still making calls from that Lum number.

    Similar issue happened last year while porting from Lum to Rogers. No other providers seem to recognise the 5-digit LUM account.

  • RReza
    RReza Posts: 2 Lüm Member

    @ShadowKie, how did they get past the situation, do you know?

    Koodo is saying that they are still getting response from Lum Mobile/Sasktel that the number is inactive.

    Are they making a mistake by selecting 'Sasktel' as old provider, not 'Lum Mobile'? 🤔